Sofa snuggles are great, but…

Let’s talk about a common topic in dog-owning households: dogs on the sofa. In my home, it’s a mixed policy. Emba (my Pomchi) and Dexter (my daughter’s Chihuahua) are allowed on the sofa, but Mungo (my Spaniel) and Siri (my Dalmatian) aren’t. Why? Well, mainly because the bigger dogs are less practical on the sofa. […]

Routines are great, but…

Let’s face it, we all love a bit of routine—whether it’s your morning coffee or your dog’s walk at exactly 7:30 am every day. Dogs thrive on predictability too. It gives them comfort, helps them feel safe, and reduces anxiety. They know when to expect their meals, their playtime, and, most importantly, their walks! But […]

Walks are great, but…

Today we’re going to dive into a topic that might challenge some of the traditional beliefs about dog ownership—specifically, the idea that daily walks are an absolute must for every dog. Don’t get me wrong—getting out for a walk is fantastic, but sometimes life throws us curveballs, and it’s important to know what to do […]