Struggling with Back Pain While Caring for Your Dog?


Discover Practical Solutions in Our Free Guide!

If you’re dealing with back pain, you know how challenging it can be to care for your dog. From the strain of picking up toys to the discomfort of walking a dog that pulls on the lead, these daily tasks can quickly become overwhelming.

Back pain shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying life with your dog. Whether it’s difficulty grooming, feeding, or playing with your furry friend, the frustration and guilt can start to weigh heavily on you. But there’s hope—you’re not alone, and there are practical solutions that can help.

Waking up and feeling a sharp twinge in your back is horrible. Even simple tasks like attaching your dog’s lead or bending down to fill their bowl become painful hurdles. The thought of a long walk or a game of fetch feels impossible, and the guilt of not being able to meet your dog’s needs only adds to the stress.

I understand this struggle because I’ve been there too. That’s why I created a free guide specifically designed to help dog owners like you manage their dog’s needs without aggravating back pain. My guide is packed with easy-to-implement strategies that can make a big difference in your daily routine.

Hi there! I’m Laura, a seasoned dog trainer and author of the book “The Vet Says Rest,” which you can find on Amazon. With over 15 years of experience working closely with dogs and their owners, I’ve dedicated my career to enhancing the lives of our furry companions. At home, I share my life with four beloved dogs, including two high-energy breeds. My passion lies in helping dog owners navigate the challenges of restricted exercise.

What’s Inside the Free Guide:

  • Back-Friendly Solutions: Learn how to adjust your daily activities to reduce strain on your back. Discover simple changes, like using elevated feeding stations and long-handled tools, that can make caring for your dog more comfortable.
  • Alternative Activities to Walking: Find out how to keep your dog happy and well-exercised without relying solely on walks. Explore fun, low-impact games and mental stimulation exercises that will keep your dog engaged and content.
  • Everyday Hacks for Dog Owners with Back Pain: Get practical tips for managing common tasks like grooming, feeding, and picking up after your dog without bending or lifting. These everyday hacks are designed to protect your back while still providing excellent care for your dog.
  • Expert Advice and Personal Insights: Benefit from the tried-and-tested strategies that have helped me and countless other dog owners successfully manage back pain while caring for their pets.

Laura specialises in customising activities for dogs with restricted exercise and supporting owners through this challenge. Her mission is to ensure these dogs remain calm and content despite limited daily exercise, fostering enduring bonds between them and their owners through compassionate training methods.